How Does Riddex Work
To combat the menace of the pest around the corners of the buildings, construction sites, office and homes, Riddex is probably the best device that helps people reduce the infestation. This is a very innovative electronic pest control system and a sound-emitting device that produces electromagnetic waves when it is plugged into the wall. The sound emissions are hardly audible to the humans and only insects and rodents can hear them. The strike of these electromagnetic waves falls hard on these insects. Usually the people who have big homes may place more than one unit of the Riddex to make it more effective and helpful against the insects and the organism that infest the place with contamination.
The Riddex works behind a very intuitive design that uses an efficient electrical wiring inside the affected premises. Being the most modern method of pest control, it saves most of the time from poisonous chemicals. Electronic pest control devices like Riddex is harmless for human including children but highly effective for eliminating the insects or pests. If compared to other pest control devices, Riddex offers many more advantages to the users. It prevents rodents to make an unwanted entry in the room due to emission of electromagnetic waves from the device. It can be applied to get rid of flies, ants and cockroaches without interference in the daily routine and other important installations.
Riddex doesn’t accommodate pesticide or other hazardous chemical substances and never expels chemical residual in exchange. The device is built with the blue lights and seeks lesser than 5 watt energy to operate inside the house, factories, installations and offices. The electromagnetic rays that emit from the Riddex not only kill the rodents and insects but make them stay away from you and your house as well. If installed at the right place, you can stay away with the pest for more than a fortnight at one go. Is not it really a quite big time frame for most of the pest control devices?
The device comes in different colors and lights including green, red and blue. The mechanism of these three lights extends the indications to the users with the functioning of the Riddex. The green light depicts that unit is on and it’s a great practice to remain it on. The red light blinks initially for some times and then it stays off. It indicates whether the emission cycle of waves is on or off. The blue lights are turned on or off to show the open and close status of a night light. All you need to do is pushing that button and switch off if you somehow feel annoyed with the light (It is soothing though and hardly makes someone annoyed).
Unlike other pest control methods, Riddex is perfectly safe and hardly puts any adverse impact on the human health. Since it doesn’t accommodate toxic substances, it’s very useful to be used at any single establishment that is prone to the pest infestation. You are however recommended to keep doors and windows closed to avail the best effects of Riddex.